Detection Module

To locate student-id(s) within images, we gonna leverage transfer learning via fine-tuning the state of art object segmentation algorithm Mask R-CNN backboned by pre-trained ResNet-50 available in torchvision models gallery.

So, let's resolve the imports of our detection module.

Code Brieffing

1.1. Detection Dataset

1.1.1. Define dataset class

A crucial requirement when fine-tuning, training, or inferencing models in Pytorch is to know the exact formats of data that specific models expect as inputs and compute as outputs.

The input to the model is expected to be a list of tensors, each of shape [C, H, W], one for each image, and should be in the range0-1 . Different images can have different sizes.

Let's take a look at the format of targets expected by the model.

  • boxes (FloatTensor[N, 4]): the ground-truth boxes in [x1, y1, x2, y2] format, with values of x between 0 and W and values of y between 0 and H.
  • labels (Int64Tensor[N]): the class label for each ground-truth box.
  • masks (UInt8Tensor[N, H, W]): the segmentation binary masks for each instance.

Then, we shall also take a look at the format of outputs predicted by the model.

  • boxes (FloatTensor[N, 4]): the predicted boxes in [x1, y1, x2, y2] format, with values of x between 0 and W and values of y between 0 and H.
  • labels (Int64Tensor[N]): the predicted labels for each image.
  • scores (Tensor[N]): the scores or each prediction.
  • masks (UInt8Tensor[N, 1, H, W]): the predicted masks for each instance, in the range 0-1. To obtain the final segmentation masks, the soft masks can be thresholded, generally with a value of 0.5 (mask >= 0.5).

Recall from the project description that we shall train our detection model on the Student-ID dataset. So let’s examine its format ! img

Now, knowing the formats of the Student-ID dataset as well as the formats of inputs/targets/outputs of the pre-trained model, we can confidently code a custom dataset class inheriting from

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  • We defined the DetectionDataset class initialized with data_path(folder containing detection dataset), a mode('TRAIN', 'VALID', 'TEST'), and transform (data augmentation function).
  • We implicitly assigned anything but our classes to the 'BACKGROUND' class.
  • We implemented __getitem__ to return individual elements of our dataset as (image_tensor, targets) pairs.
  • torch.from_numpy() Creates a Tensor from a numpy.ndarray
  • torch.as_tensor() Convert the data into a torch.Tensor

1.1.2. Define transforms for detection dataset

Let's write some helper functions for data augmentation.

1.1.3. Instantiate detection datasets

Code Brieffings
  • We initialized training, validation, and testing datasets using the modes 'TRAIN', 'VALID' and 'TEST' respectively.
  • We disabled data augmentation for testing dataset.
  • We initialized the variablesdetection_classes, and num_detection_classes to values of our detection classes and their number respectively.

Just checking the names and number of classes from our detection dataset to make sure everything is OK!

1.1.4. Visualize detection dataset

Code Brieffings
  • We selected an inidividual element from detection_train_set using id as (image_tensor, targets) pairs.
  • We retrieved bounding boxes, segmentation masks, and labels from the targets dictionary.
  • torch.zeros_like() returns a tensor filled 0s, with the same size as input.
  • torch.Tensor.item() returns the value of this tensor as a standard Python number.


1.2. Detection Model

1.2.1. Define detection model

Let's define a helper function to instantiate the detection model !

Code Brieffings

Remark: The helper function above allows us to fine-tune the pre-trained FastRCNNPredictor and MaskRCNNPredictor with the desired number of classes, which are '2' in our case i.e. for the 'BACKGROUND' and 'Student_ID' classes. The function also sets the number of hidden layers of MaskRCNNPredictor to '256' but we can decide to tweak that for the best of our model performance.

1.2.2. Specify checkpoints and instantiate the model

Looking forward to resumable training and saving of our detection model, we shall now specify the checkpoints for the state dictionaries for both the model and its training optimizer.

Code Brieffings
  • Selected available computational hardware using torch.device().
  • torch.cuda.is_available() returns True if cuda capable hardware(s) is/are found.
  • Loaded checkpoints using torch.load(). The argument map_location is used to specify the computing device into which the checkpoint is loaded. This very useful if you have no idea of the device type for which a tensor has been saved.

1.3. Training and Evaluation

Note that the files used for training and validation of detection module found ./modules/detection/scripts folder were directly copied along with their dependencies from torchvision reference detection training scripts repository.

1.3.1. Specify data loaders

After initializing the various detection datasets, let us use them to specify data loaders which shall be used for training, validation, and testing.

Code Brieffings
  • Initialized data loaders for each of our detection datasets (training, validation and testing) by using
  • Initialized the dictionary variable 'detection_loaders ', which references all of the data loaders.

1.3.2. Initialize optimizer

Let's initialize the optimizer for training the detection model, and get ready for training !

1.3.3. Define training function

Now, let's write the function that will train and validate our model for us. Inside the training function, we shall add a few lines of code that will save our model checkpoints.

1.3.4 Train detection model

So let’s train our detection model for 20 epochs saving it at the end of each epoch.

1.3.5. Resume training detection model

At the end of every epoch, we had the checkpoints of the detection module updated. Now let's use these updated checkpoints to reload the detection model and resume its training up to '30' epochs.


To reload the detection model and the detection optimizer from the checkpoint, simply re-run the code cells in Section 1.2.2. and Section 1.3.2 respectively. Just make sure load_detection_checkpoint is set to True. The resulting outputs shall be identical to the ones below.

Reloading detection model from the checkpoint. (Section 1.2.2)

Code Brieffings
  • Loaded checkpoint using torch.load(). The argument map_location is used to specify the computing device into which the checkpoint is loaded.

Reloading detection optimizer from the checkpoint (Section 1.3.2)

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  • Used detection_optimizer.load_state_dict() to initialize optimizer weights if detection_optimizer_state_dict is available. This sets the optimizer to the state after that of the previous training.

Now let's resume training of our detection model.

You notice that the training start from epoch 21 since the detection model has already been trained for 20 epochs.

1.3.6. Evaluate the detection model

To conclude on the performance of your models, it is always of good practice to evaluate them on sample data. We shall evaluate the performance of the detection model on sample images from the testing dataset.

Firstly, let's use our detection model to compute predictions for an input image from the test detection dataset.

Code Brieffings
  • Selected an image URL from the testing dataset for inference.
  • Then put the model to evaluation mode using detection_model.eval(). That disables training features like batch normalization and dropout making inference faster.
  • Disabled gradient calculations for operations on tensors within a block using with torch.no_grad():.


Secondly, let's take a look at the raw outputs predicted by our detection model for the image above.

As we can see the predictions are simply a dictionary containing labels, scores, boxes, and masks of detected objects in tensor format.

Lastly, let's convert the raw predicted outputs into a human-understandable format for proper visualization.


More Outputs

img img

1.4. Student ID Alignment

At this point, what is left to be done in this module is to align student-id(s) detected by out detection model. The aligned student-id(s) shall then be fed as input to the orientation module.

img Now, let's save our aligned student-id.